What is Nutrinamin® ?

Nutrinamin® is a food supplement for a daily supply of essential amino acids.

A correct intake of amino acidsFor the synthesis of the proteins that make up the organism to be complete, all the essential amino acids must be provided in sufficient quantities. If the quantity of even one essential amino acid is insufficient, then all of the synthesized proteins will be produced in insufficient quantities, thereby inducing metabolic problems. makes it possible to ensure :

  • Bone formation and preservation

  • Muscle formation and development, together with maintaining muscular functions

  • Balance in vital processes

Advantages of the product

Nutrinamin® contains a complex of essential amino acids (AAcomplex) specially formulated on the basis of scientific tests carried out in Switzerland.

  • Easy to useMix with just 200 ml of water in a bottle and shake ; when the liquid is orange, it is ready. Dosage to fit medical advice.

  • Fully available

  • Pleasant taste

  • Does not spoil appetite

  • Non-animal

  • Contains zinc (potentializes the effect of the amino acids)

When should you use Nutrinamin® ?

  • In the event of osteoporosis or muscu­lar problems, it is sometimes necessary to supplement intake of essential amino acids.

  • Persons who are malnourished (quant­ity and/or variety of diet), even if they are eating products of animal origin, risk deficiencies in essential amino acids.

  • Vegetarians have a reduced intake of essential amino acids if their consump­tion of dairy products or eggs does not make up for the absence of meat or fish

  • Vegans do not consume any products of animal origin and are very often defici­ent in essential amino acids

  • Certain extreme diets, or problems of malabsorption in persons with a her­edit­ary malabsorption condition or who have undergone surgery can lead to a deficiency in essential amino acids

  • In the event of intense sports activity.

Where to find Nutrinamin® ?

Nutrinamin® is available in pharmacies and chemists under the pharmacode 7186976.

You can also order it online via our partner Cosmetec-Santé or in the form of a subscription in case of prescription or long-term requirement.


Effects of the product

Nutrinamin® is a food supplement for a daily intake of essential amino acidsIl faut que tous les acides aminés essentiels soient fournis en quantité suffisante pour que la synthèse des protéines composant l’organisme soit totale. Si un seul acide aminé essentiel est en quantité insuffisante, c’est l’ensemble des protéines synthétisées qui seront produites en quantité insuffisante, induisant ainsi des troubles métaboliques. (limiting factor for protein synthesis) specially formulated on the basis of rigorous scientific tests.

A correct intake of essential amino acids makes it possible to ensure :

  • Bone creation and preservation,
  • Muscle formation and development, as well as maintaining muscular func­tions,

  • Balance in vital processes.

In preclinical and clinical investigations, Nutrinamin® demonstrates its ability to restore metabolic and organic functions rapidly and significantly where a deficiency is present.

Nutrinamin® :

  • Improves hormonal status, in particular the gonadotropic and soma­to­tropic axes, making it possible to restore a metabolism that will en­courage recovery from damage where protein or essential amino acid deficiency is present,
  • Beneficial for bones and muscles,

  • Through its composition of essential amino acids and zinc, it dramatically improves IGF-1 synthesis,
  • As a consequence of all the improve­ments in the metabolism, hormonal status, and tissues, it improves per­form­ance of everyday activities.

What are the advantages of Nutrinamin® ?

Nutrinamin® contains a complex of essential amino acids (AAcomplex) specially formulated on the basis of scientific tests carried out in Switzerland.

  • Easy to useMix with just 200 ml of water in a bottle and shake ; when the liquid is orange, it is ready

  • Fully available

  • Pleasant taste

  • Does not spoil appetite

  • Non-animal

  • Contains zinc (necessary for producing IGF-1)

Who can benefit from the product ?

Nutrinamin® has been clinically investigated with elderly persons, but other applications can be envisaged :

  • Patients in the recovery phase,
  • People who are malnourished, follow­ing diets, or suffering a chronic deficiency,
  • Vegetarians and vegans,
  • Patients following bariatric surgery with induced amino acid mal­absorp­tion,
  • Persons with increased demand, such as people engaging in sports or hard physical work,
  • In cases of appetite loss,
  • In dental surgery (osseointegration of implants),
  • As a complement to bone-forming medication (Forteo)…