The founders of AAHealthcare are at last making available the fruits of years of research in the field of essential amino acids and their involve­ment in vital processes.

Recent decades have radically changed our nutritional approach and our relationship with foodstuffs :

  • Drastic changes in diets (vege­tar­ian, vegan, etc.),
  • Slimming diets, frequently accompanied by multiple deficiencies,
  • Needs increased by behaviour, in part­icular intensive sport, for opti­mum health,
  • An ageing population with a natural reduction in their protein intake.

These intake shortfalls or increased needs for proteins, and particularly for essential amino acids, lead to deficiencies that have implications for human health, particularly :

  • Hormonal changes,
  • Catabolism of the muscles or bones (osteoporosis),
  • Joint problems, changes in performance in daily, working, and sporting life,
  • Deterioration in immunity and healing ability, etc.

There are plenty of negative effects, and their appearance is often slow and insidious. Many of these phenomena are reversible through an appropriate and proven daily intake of essential amino acids in the right proportions and fully available.

AAHealthcare has set itself a mission to :

  • Improve people’s health and quality of life through food supplements and/or natural approaches
  • Provide scientifically-tested solutions suitable for the particular situations of each type of patient/subject/person
  • Constantly adapt to the needs of the medical profession and of the patient


Become an AAHealthcare partner !
AAHealthcare is looking for exclusive partners in many countries.
Interested ? Contact us here !


Nutrinamin®, base product

A general-purpose complex of essential amino acids and Zn (AAcomplex) that influences hormonal status, bone and muscle tissue, as well as the healing and recovery process.

Under development

In the years ahead, the range will be extended with more specific supplements :

  • Bones

  • Muscles

  • Joints

  • Skin

  • Vegan

  • Diet (fat burner)

  • Sport